[Advisors] Fwd: Community Access Program - Industry Canada

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Tue, 20 Dec 2011 16:37:06 -0500

I am forwarding this on behalf of Eric Stackhouse in N.S.  Includes 
letter he sent to MacKay.

>X-Original-To: mmoll@ca.inter.net
>Delivered-To: mmoll@ca.inter.net
>X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at clavin.library.ns.ca
>Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 10:24:28 -0400
>From: estackho@nsngp.library.ns.ca
>To: Marita Moll <mmoll@ca.inter.net>
>Subject: Fwd: Community Access Program - Industry Canada
>User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H4 (5.0.15)
>Hello Marita,
>I dropped by Peter MacKay's office this morning and his assistant
>suggested I send the question via email so it can be followed up on. I
>suspect other NS networks will also be asking their MPs the same
>question. It may be of interest to the TC folks. Please feel free to
>share. I will let you know what I hear.
>Thank you and best of the season.
>----- Forwarded message from estackho@nsngp.library.ns.ca -----
>    Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 10:12:20 -0400
>    From: estackho@nsngp.library.ns.ca
>Subject: Community Access Program - Industry Canada
>      To: peter.mackay.c2@parl.gc.ca
>December 20, 2011
>Right Hon. Peter MacKay
>MP Central Nova
>Dear Minister MacKay,
>I am writing in regards to the future of the Community Access Program
>in the northern Nova Scotia area as Chair of the NorthCAP network.
>It has come to my attention that Industry Canada wishes to no longer
>fund, at its current level or less, the Community Access Program (CAP)
>in the coming fiscal year. This decision will be keenly felt at the
>community level in the following areas,
>-       Thousands of citizens will be denied access to a critical piece of
>communications infrastructure, the Internet, especially people
>marginalized by changes in technology.
>-       The introduction and training in the use of new and emerging
>technologies, especially for small businesses, those seeking
>employment and, seniors.
>-       Youth employment (over 30 young people in the Pictou-Antigonish area
>alone) in well supervised, meaningful, and technology related
>positions. These jobs are in small rural areas which can mean the
>difference between a young person being able to return to post
>graduate studies or not.
>-       Dozens of technology related projects undertaken by local
>communities and their partners, such as public libraries, allowing
>small communities to reach out and tell their stories to the world and
>share in a connected future.
>As a supporter of CAP, you know the value the program has in our local
>communities, much in evidence in new projects such as the People?s
>Place Antigonish Town and County Library. These are not services that
>can sustained by public libraries or other groups alone. The Industry
>Canada contribution, while small, is critical. This year we have made
>good progress in convincing our provincial government partner to take
>a much more active role in CAP. They are viewing CAP as a critical
>piece of community information technology infrastructure that should
>be acknowledged and supported. But if Industry Canada was to falter,
>we may well lose that interest.
>Our network would very much appreciate if you could please inquire as
>to what Industry Canada?s intentions are regarding CAP. As always, we
>would very much like to share with the Department what goes on at the
>local community level and would be available at any time. Thank you
>for your assistance and we look forward to hearing from you or your
>Eric Stackhouse
>Chair, NorthCAP
>Email: estackho@nsngp.library.ns.ca
>Mail: PO Box 276, New Glasgow, NS, B2H 5E3
>Phone: (902) 331-0402
>cc.     NorthCAP members
>         Nova Scotia CAP
>         TC Canada
>----- End forwarded message -----