[Advisors] CIRA internet exchange points project

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Wed, 19 Sep 2012 09:59:54 -0400

Here is an article from the Ottawa Citizen about CIRAs new project to 
keep Canadian internet traffic in Canada.


I was at this meeting yesterday and talked to one of the directors about 
keeping community owned internet projects in this loop.  Technically, 
one of these IPXs would consist of groups of distributors (ISPs) and 
content providers who would work together to route traffic inside 
Canada.  CIRA wants to facilitate this kind of cooperation -- but I want 
to be sure that they include community owned broadband groups from the 
beginning.  I'm not sure how to do this.  I talked to one of the current 
directors about this issue (from B.C.) and he was keen to get in touch 
with B.C. groups who could participate.

Any ideas about how we can help make these connections.
