[Advisors] FW: personal note, Re Open Media, Acorn, Shit Harper Did, Stop Election Fraud, Operation Maple

michael gurstein gurstein at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 07:07:14 PST 2013

Hi Folks,


Through a third party I was put in contact with Judy Duncan of Acorn Canada
https://www.acorncanada.org/ who indicated that she had an interest in
connecting with us.


Any comments. (I'm not sure how to proceed from here.




From: Judy Duncan [mailto:canadaacorn at acorncanada.org] 
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 6:21 AM
To: michael gurstein
Subject: Re: personal note, Re Open Media, Acorn, Shit Harper Did, Stop
Election Fraud, Operation Maple


Hi Michael -  thanks for the info.


where are the people in your network?  would be great to connect.





On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 9:57 AM, michael gurstein <gurstein at gmail.com>

Hi Michael (and Judy.


I work with a network of people in various parts of Canada (Telecommunities
Canada http://www.tc.ca/) who have been working in and around access issues
for a very long time. Perhaps you and I should be in contact and then I
could help you make contact with them.




(BTW, I've just done a new blogpost that you folks might interesting . and








From: Michael Goodman [mailto:mgoodman at shaw.ca] 
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 6:32 AM
To: 'Judy Duncan'
Cc: steve at openmedia.ca; gurstein at gmail.com
Subject: RE: personal note, Re Open Media, Acorn, Shit Harper Did, Stop
Election Fraud, Operation Maple


Dear Judy, 


Did steve every get back to you?   


I know he super busy and involved in the spying issue with the Civil
Liberties association. And as you might of heard, courtesy of Edward Snowden
we now know they invited US agencies into Canada to spy on the G-20. 

Never the less I know Steve is sympathetic to your issue and would likely
like to help if he could.  In addition another person is as well,  Michael
Gerstein, His organization  is actually very focused in on the issue of
access.  I forgot what initials stand for but his contact information is
below.    Not sure what anyone can do but campaign as you are doing. 


Keep trying Steve, as soon as he comes up for air possibly he can think of
way to help you.  


Warm regards, 


Michael Goodman, Founding Director  

Smart Change

1000 - 850 West Hastings St 

Vancouver, BC  V6C 1E1

604-569-2015 Office

604-569-2014 Fax 

778-895-5365 Cell

 <mailto:mgoodman at shaw.ca> mgoodman at shaw.ca  

 <http://www.smartchange.ca> www.smartchange.ca 

 <http://www.goodmanfund.com> www.goodmanfund.com




Michael Gurstein


Executive Director    

2101 - 989 Nelson Streeet  

Ring 236

Vancouver BC V6Z 2S1


Phone Direct Phone:  Phone:  (604) 602-0624 <tel:%28604%29%20602-0624>   

Mobile Phone:  Fax Phone:  Home Phone:  

E-mail:  gurstein at gmail.com

Personal E-mail:  Web Site:  www.communityinformatics.net

Class:  Organization


From: Judy Duncan [mailto:canadaacorn at acorncanada.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 7:23 AM
To: steve at openmedia.ca
Cc: Michael Goodman
Subject: Re: personal note, Re Open Media, Acorn, Shit Harper Did, Stop
Election Fraud, Operation Maple


Thanks for the introduction Michael,


Steve -  i am the national Head Organizer for ACORN Canada and i would love
to meet up and figure out a way that we could work together nationally.
Where are you based?  I am based in Toronto.  If you're in BC maybe we could
do a call.


looking forward to hearing back,



On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 7:47 AM, Michael Goodman <mgoodman at shaw.ca> wrote:

Steve Anderson, 

Founder, Open Media 


Dear Steve, 


One organization we support, is Acorn.  The more we know about them, the
more we are impressed.  Their organization is very much following the Saul
Alinsky model of organizing.  Door to door, donations $5-10 dollars at a
time in order to build an independent self-sustaining model. The note from
Kay below spells out their concerns over the open internet and accessibility
for those  of less means.    Steve, would you have any capability of  trying
to help low income people cross the digital divide which is created by cost
barriers?  This could be a great campaign for Open.    Could you  please let
us know.  


For those of you who are not aware, The Ruth and Henry Goodman Fund and
Smart Change have supported Open Media since its founding days as Campaign
for a Democratic Media. It has been one of the central organizations we have
been trying to support and assist.  We believe that without an open
internet, free from throttling, and accessible to all, our movement is
hooped.  I know Steve well enough to say with certainty, his heart is with
us and  he would have an interest in helping, it is just a question of what
they can actually do to help.  Open Media's  power has grown from zero, to
nearly  700,000 supporters of their various campaigns in a little more than
5-7 years.  They are now self-sufficient.    Their success is largely due to
the incredible leadership provided by Steve.  A generous and great person to
learn from even if he cannot help directly on this issue. I hear from others
his door is always open for sharing the knowledge he has gotten at the
sidewalk university, where he earned a PHD.  Steve is one of the most
talented leader's  and skilled campaigner's we know.  We hope you people can
come together somehow.  Steve check out Operation Maple which Bert and
Stephanie are part of, who are cced here.  They too are interested in on the
ground organizing as is Shit Harper Did.  Bridgette, who is also copied
here,  says you are helping them as well.  They too are contemplating on the
ground organizing in the Alinsky model, in swing ridings.  No Robo is as
well.  (now called Stop Election Fraud.ca)  It is headed up by Simon
Roland's, and Chris Miller.      



Michael Goodman, Founding Director  

Smart Change

1000 - 850 West Hastings St 

Vancouver, BC  V6C 1E1

604-569-2015 Office

604-569-2014 Fax 

778-895-5365 Cell

 <mailto:mgoodman at shaw.ca> mgoodman at shaw.ca  

 <http://www.smartchange.ca> www.smartchange.ca 

 <http://www.goodmanfund.com> www.goodmanfund.com




From: John Anderson [mailto:bcacornva at acorncanada.org] 
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 8:36 AM
To: Michael Goodman
Cc: Kay at acorncanada.org; deveauxbabinproductions at rogers.com;
sgauthier8 at gmail.com; Wade Rathke; Scott Nunn
Subject: Re: personal note,


Thanks Michael!


Bert and Stephanie ~ Would be great if you wanted to meet up sometime to
discuss these possibilities.  ACORN members are real people and it would be
fascinating to make a short video as Michael is discussing.  


In Vancouver we are mainly based is Burnaby, the Tri City area, New West and


One new campaign we have begun to to bridge the gap of the digital divide by
attempting to force internet providers to provide high speed internet to low
income people for 10$ per month.  There is a history of this happening in
other countries - like the USA - and we have begun targeting Canadian
companies.  The real solution is for the CRTC to mandate that companies
provide internet at a reasonable price to low income people. Roughly we are
finding that many of our members spend 4 or 6% of their entire income on
internet access... which is obscene. We would love to be able to get this
out more.


I've CC'd Scott Nunn who be taking a more lead role in our BC office moving
forward.  Would be great to meet up if you have time.




John Anderson
ACORN Canada
c 778 385 4385 <tel:778%20385%204385> 

w 604 522 8737 <tel:604%20522%208737>  
acorncanada.org <http://acorncanada.org/> 
bcacornva at acorncanada.o <mailto:bcacornva at acorncanada.org> rg


On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 6:11 AM, Michael Goodman <mgoodman at shaw.ca> wrote:

Dear Kay,  And John, 


Do you know Bert and Stephanie  from Operation Maple?  If not I am sure he
and his team are people you would want to know. Bert and his team have the
skill and power to make a short film on what you are doing. They made Poor
No More.  Check out their web site for many very interesting short vignettes
of stories they have made on  people's issues and how they are coping.    


Regarding your send out below:  


Interesting if you could run the campaign in many provinces at one time.
The BC Fed of Labour was very supportive of the issue here in BC.  

No doubt you have heard what a struggle it was to get the minimum wage
raised to $10:50 here in BC.  It took years.  


Bert and Stephanie, Acorn is an organization we support and have a ton of
time for. They are building a movement on the ground, one door at a time and
they are funded by the people who support them. Hard work but it is what
Saul Alinsky would have supported strongly if he were alive today.   


All the best, 


Michael Goodman, Founding Director  

Smart Change

1000 - 850 West Hastings St 

Vancouver, BC  V6C 1E1

604-569-2015 Office

604-569-2014 Fax 

778-895-5365 Cell

 <mailto:mgoodman at shaw.ca> mgoodman at shaw.ca  

 <http://www.smartchange.ca> www.smartchange.ca 

 <http://www.goodmanfund.com> www.goodmanfund.com




From: Kay Bisnath, ACORN Canada [mailto:Kay at acorncanada.org

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 8:17 PM
To: Michael Goodman
Subject: Working People Need a Raise! Government Wants to Study the Issue. 


Hi Michael,

The campaign to raise the minimum wage to $14 Now is moving forward, as
today Minister of Labour Yasir Naqvi announced an advisory panel - chaired
by Anil Verma, a University of Toronto professor - to study a possible
minimum wage increase in 2014. 

ACORN Canada members already know that Ontario needs a minimum wage increase
NOW. The panel plans to hold consultations and make recommendations to the
provincial government - with the other members of the Campaign to Raise the
Minimum Wage, we are calling for an immediate increase to $14/hour, indexed
to inflation.


Action by the government on this issue is the direct result of community
groups like ACORN Canada mobilizing earlier this year. But we need to keep
the pressure on and demand the increase NOW - no more stalling tactics! 


The current minimum wage of $10.25 puts workers 19% below the poverty line.
While food, transit and rent costs have soared, the minimum wage has been
frozen for over 3 years.  Read the article in the
?u=604&qid=824154> Toronto Star today.



?u=605&qid=824154> Sign the petition and send an email to Premier Kathleen
Wynne letting her know that we need an increase NOW! And don't forget to
?u=606&qid=824154> ACORN Canada's NEW website for updates on the campaign.

Starting August 14th, there  will be actions on the 14th of every month!
Contact the National office:  <mailto:canadaacorn at acorncanada.org>
canadaacorn at acorncanada.org  (416) 461-5322 <tel:%28416%29%20461-5322>  if
you want to connect to what's going on in your community.

The Campaign to Raise the Minimum Wage is coordinated by ACORN, Freedom 90,
Mennonite New Life Centre, OCAP, Ontario Campaign 2000, Parkdale Community
Legal Services, Put Food in the Budget, Social Planning Toronto, Toronto and
York Region Labour Council and Workers' Action Centre.


Communication Preferences

Forward this email:
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John Anderson
ACORN Canada
c 778 385 4385 <tel:778%20385%204385> 

w 604 522 8737 <tel:604%20522%208737>  
bcacornva at acorncanada.o <mailto:bcacornva at acorncanada.org> rg


Judy Duncan
Head Organizer
ACORN Canada
C) 416 996 6401 <tel:416%20996%206401>  
O) 416 461 5322 <tel:416%20461%205322> 

Want to support our work? We're primarily funded by our 30,000 low and
moderate income members - no cheques from big banks, and corporate CEO's.
Our tiny staff makes sure that each contribution goes a long way. Click here
to chip in <https://www.acorncanada.org/monthly-sustainer> 




Judy Duncan
Head Organizer
ACORN Canada
C) 416 996 6401 
O) 416 461 5322

Want to support our work? We're primarily funded by our 51,000 low and
moderate income members - no cheques from big banks, and corporate CEO's.
Our tiny staff makes sure that each contribution goes a long way.


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