[Advisors] "digital strategy" canada?
bhart at ca.inter.net
Mon, 25 Feb 2013 08:29:11 -0500
Quoting michael gurstein <gurstein@gmail.com>:
> Maybe Kristina and all rather than carrying this discussion forward in the
> abstract and focusing on participation in conferences and so on, it might be
> better to identify a specific area of possible common interest and start
> working on how a collaborative approach might be developed.
I agree with your suggested approach. Not to cloud the issue but I
suggest we consider the possibility of including the Fed/Prov Computer
Recycling Programs within our plans. Obviously many of those who do
not have access at present also do not have a computer. Ind Can has
seen fit to continue funding the Recycling Program and I think they
might be willing to include CAP sites or those wihout equipment within
the list of recipients. Up until two years age I was Chair of the Nova
Scotia program and we did have an arrangemet which allowed people in
need to acquire equipment and we often donated to CAP sites. However,
I suspect any arrangements which are to be developed will have to be
done on a province by province basis.
Bernie Hart
Nova Scotia