[Advisors] How do you teach digital literacy -- CIRA forum

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Sun, 03 Mar 2013 16:00:03 -0500

I see James posted his "mentorship" piece in the CIRA discussion area.  
Here is my contribution.

How do we teach digital literacy?  In the "how to" department, we can 
end up with a long list of important points.   I agree with James' 
mentorship ideas.  Co-learning is also a powerful concept which supports 
a respectful and ongoing relationship between individuals engaged in 
sharing and extending their skills.  And critical thinking is just a 
part of any media consumption that all citizens need to keep in mind.

But we always seem to leave out the "why" that makes the case for the 
list in the first place.  Why do we teach digital literacy? Because it 
is becoming increasingly difficult to function in a modern society 
without recourse to digital technology; because, as a nation, making 
sure our communities and fellow citizens can keep up with increasingly 
rapid technological change is a social, political as well as an 
educational responsibility.

The concept of digital literacy as something we need to teach 
schoolchildren is limiting our ability to discuss and address this 
problem across generations and locations. And it continues to enable 
policy makers to avoid addressing the bigger issue.
