[Advisors] FW: New Industry Canada 'Connecting Canadians' program

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Wed Jul 23 20:09:00 PDT 2014

Just passing this on.  Please redirect to ISPs you might be working with 
if there is something here your area could benefit from.  I don't know 
if a local cooperative ISP would be eligible.  At least the new service 
coverage maps might be useful


"This $305-million investment will provide incentives for the private 
sector to invest in wireless and wireline Internet services in areas of 
the country that previously did not have access to high-speed Internet 
services. This will create thousands of new investment opportunities by 
breaking down barriers to entrepreneurship and connecting businesses in 
rural areas to the rest of Canada."


"The program will rely on Internet service providers to identify 
projects to expand and enhance service to rural Canadians who have 
slower or no Internet access. Internet service providers will be invited 
to submit applications with their proposals for expanded or enhanced 
networks in underserved areas in fall 2014. The program will provide 
non-repayable contributions toward the direct costs of selected projects.

Connecting Canadians is currently updating its service coverage maps to 
determine areas eligible for funding under the program. Preliminary 
mapping information shows underserved areas in all parts of the country. 
Your input <http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/028.nsf/eng/50012.html> will 
help ensure that the program is working with the most current coverage 


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