[Advisors] ISED consultation on innovation -- please participate

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Tue Aug 16 17:19:14 PDT 2016

Hello all. ISED is currently holding a public consultation on innovation 
-- it is similiar to other consultations we have participated in re: 
digital economy/strategy.  Let's hope this one is not dropped like a hot 
potato as some of the others were when the government suddenly got cold 
feet.  I was looking at the submissions and found only one name I 
recognized so far -- our own Brian Beaton -- who entered thoughts under 
the question "What are innovative ways to develop stronger digital 
skills among Canadians."

More of us need to participate in this.  Everyone one of us has 
suggestions to offer under the question above, and probably some of the 
other questions as well.  I didn't go into it that deeply.But I will be 
putting some effort into it in the next couple of days.  I hope to see 
some other familiar names there as well. Let us know through the list if 
you have participated. At the very least, we can "like" the suggestions 
offered by others of our community.

Register at http://nationofinnovators.ca/login-register.


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