[Advisors] (no subject)

Marita Moll mmoll at ca.inter.net
Wed, 04 Jan 2012 10:51:05 -0500

I'm going to suggest that we do NOT circulate the letter directed to 
Mr. Winchester to other MP's, ministers in its current format.  It's 
kind of a personal letter -- asking for his help -- trying to build 
an alliance.  We still don't really know why he met with us.  So 
let's be hopeful............

As soon as we nail this letter down though, and send it off (today?), 
I will make the needed adjustments that will make it more appropriate 
for circulation.  For example, I just found the following quote from 
Tony Clement in today's paper:

"In what seems like a unique form of Canadian federalism, Clement 
said he would like to let citizens make more decisions on local 
matters, rather than having bureaucrats in government offices 
deciding what's best for communities. He calls it crowdsourcing decisions."

Read more: 

Thanks Tony.  We're gonna throw that one right back at you! :-)


At 03:59 PM 03/01/2012, Lynda Rickard wrote:
>This is a good letter.  We are planning to write another letter to our
>Kawartha Lakes MP, and will encourage our Network of Simcoe, Muskoka,
>Haliburton to do the same, we have 60 CAP sites in our regional network.
>If a letter was sent from every network it might be worthwhile.  We have
>also created postcards, which we will have our patrons sign and mail.
>Lynda Rickard, Executive Director
>Technology Alliance Group for Kawartha Lakes
>50 Mary St. W., (front)
>(705) 878-9261
>(800) 407-6419
>Focused on Helping People