[Advisors] "digital strategy" canada?
bhart at ca.inter.net
Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:28:19 -0500
Quoting "Thompson, Darlene" <DThompson1@GOV.NU.CA>:
> CFS has always been able to donate to CAP sites but, you are correct
> that donating to individuals is up to the funding provided at the
> provincial/territorial level. However, even if CFS could donate to
> individuals, there is still the missing puzzle pieces of high cost
> and poor performance of Internet and lack of adequate training
> opportunities in rural and remote areas which was the niche that CAP
> filled.
In the Halifax Region we have the Chebucto Community which provides
connectivity at no cost for people who can't afford it and at low cost
for others. I am assuming if a person receives a computer at no cost,
he/she would take advantage of Chebucto. In Nova Scotia provincial
funding has kept a number of CAP sites open.
Bernie Hart