The official site for the Church of MOO has MOOved to ... click here to go there

[Psychick Halfy] [Halfy]

T h e e C h u r c h O v M O O
O f f i c i a l W e b s i t e

"Religion is a magic device for turning unanswerable questions into unquestionable answers.
-Art Gecko, Primethyme 3, 128650 DPP

"Religion is just a tool for getting at the Ultimate Experience of Truth. Most religious people, given this tool, are like the person who, given a set of lock picking tools and a safe containing the Ultimate Prize, have somehow managed to lock thems elves inside the safe and leave both treasure and lock picks on the other side of the door.
-Floyd Gecko

If you don't get it: READ EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK
You still won't get it, but at least you can say you tried.

Or, if you like, you can also
Download the full book

This page looks most ridiculously self-aggrandizing in
[HoundScape 3.05]

Some free promotional samples of MOOist doctrine are available. (While supplies last)

MOO is a religion for people who don't believe in religion. Heck, for people who don't believe in MOOism!
-Bubi the Next-In-Line
[Page 23]

Before anything else, I'd like to say how profoundly annoying it is for a non-religious person such as myself to have accidentally become the spiritual leader of an estimated ten thousand MOOists, particularly since I am the sort of person who believes that the term "spiritual leader" is an oxymoron, and "terrorist organization" is a redundancy. Fortunately for me, MOOism not only tolerates internal contradictions like this, it actively encourages them. Thus, I have caved in to paradox - the MOOist form of enlightenment - and created a highly popular, self-aggrandizing website for the official religious propaganda from a religion that preaches against both propaganda and orthodoxy. In doing so, I become a heretic - and therefore entitled to remain High Preest.

Beginning misleading propaganda now...

If you think this religion is a joke, you have NO sense of humour. This is POSTMODERNISM.

MOOism is a religion(or possibly something else) created to meet the unique needs of postmodern society. It has been designed to break your brain out of routine modes of thought and restore you to the truly human mode of functioning which was once practiced by the Ancient Atlantean Adepts. It stands opposed to such sinister forces for mind control as Alien Psychomorphic Satellites, The Ancient Atlantean Adepts, Cheese, Bob Dole, and International Squid Biscuits.

Among other things, MOOism has been called the Negativland of religion. Not only does it irreverently (and sometimes irrelevantly) sample innumerable other religious traditions, it uses recontextualization and paradoxical framing techniques to prevent minds from settling into orthodoxy. Paradox and radical self-contradiction are, in the postmodern context, the most reasonable way to approach the Absolute.

For those who care, there are some pictures of MOOists here, and some mysterious heiroglyphs for you to ponder.

Some of the sources sampled by MOOism include:

The Church of MOO is a religion for those who shout "Crowded" in a theatre fire.
--Ockeg Dylof IX

Click here to visit Half-Mad's woefully deficient homepage.
Click here to visit a MOO page maintained by The Hellhound >101<.
Click here if you have nothing better to do...
Brought to you by the Quadrophonic Grapefruit Foundation - dedicated to the Re-Acquisition of the Squid...