
(maintained by Rob Slade)

"101 Uses for a Dead Computer", Wahlstrom

"20th Century Computers and How They Worked", Flynn

"25 Steps to Safe Computing", Sellers

"97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know", Barbee Davis

"Canadian Sourcebook", Southam

"Analysing for Authorship", Jill M. Farringdon

"Accidental Empires", Robert X. Cringely

"Ace the Technical Interview", Michael Rothstein

"Actionable Strategies", Stephen S. Bonham

"The Complete April Fools' Day RFCs", Thomas A. Limoncelli/Peter H. Salus

"Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great", Esther Derby/Diana Larsen

"Against the Gods", Peter L. Bernstein

"The Ascent of Science", Brian L. Silver

"The Addison-Wesley Science Handbook, Coleman/Dewar

"The Art of Electronic Publishing", Ressler

"Affective Computing", Rosalind Picard

"Against Religion", Tamas Pataki

"Agents Unleashed", Peter Wayner

"The Age of Spiritual Machines", Ray Kurzweil

"Agent Technology Handbook", Dimitris N. Chorafas

"Approaching Quantum Computing", Dan C. Marinescu/Gabriela M. Marinescu

"Architects of the Information Society", Simson L. Garfinkel

"The Art of Project Management", Scott Berkun

"The Art of 'Ware", Webster

"Achieving Software Quality Through Teamwork", Isabel Evans

"Barbarians Led by Bill Gates", Jennifer Edstrom/Marlin Eller

"Building a Successful Software Business", Radin

"Bible Baby Names", Diamant

"Bad Software", Cem Kaner/David Pels

"Beautiful Data", Toby Segaran/Jeff Hammerbacher

"Business Engineering With Object Technology", Taylor

"Byte Guide to CD-ROM", Michael Nadeau

"Behind Closed Doors", Johanna Rothman/Esther Derby

"How to Make It Big in the Seminar Business", Karasik

"Best iPhone Apps", Josh Clark

"Blueprint to the Digital Economy", Don Tapscott/Alex Lowy/David Ticoll

"Black Holes: A Traveler's Guide", Clifford A. Pickover

"A Blip in the Continuum", Robin Williams

"The Benchmark Book", Grace

"The Bride of Science", Benjamin Woolley

"The Best of The Journal of Irreproducible Results", Scherr

"The Best of Verity Stob", Verity Stob

"BUGS in Writing", Lyn Dupre

"Building Social Web Applications", Gavin Bell

"Beyond Calculation", Peter J. Denning/Robert M. Metcalfe

"Beyond Fear", Bruce Schneier

"Byte Me!", Robert P. Libbon

"Byte Wars", Edward Yourdon

"Calculating Machines", Hartree

"The Cambridge Quintet", John L. Casti

"The Cathedral and the Bazaar", Eric S. Raymond

"CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication", Andrew Viterbi

"CD-Recordable Handbook"

"CD-ROM: A Beginner's Guide", Leemon

"Get Certified and Get Ahead", Anne Martinez

"The Complete Idiot's Guide to CD-ROM", John Pivovarnick

"The Complete Idiot's Guide to Computer Terms", Kraynak/Cagnina

"Cloud Application Architectures", George Reese

"The Cult of iPod", Leander Kahney

"The Computer Contradictionary", Stan Kelly-Bootle

"Computers, Ethics & Social Values", Johnson/Nissenbaum

"Catch Me If You Can", Frank W. Abagnale

"Computer Networking for Educators", McCain/Ekelund

"Computing Calamities", Robert L. Glass

"Computer Pioneers", J. A. N. Lee

"Computer Science: A Breadth-First Approach with C", Impagliazzo/Nagin

"Computers Today and Tomorrow", Marilyn Meyer/Roberta Baber

"Computer-Related Risks", Neumann

"The Computer User's Survival Guide", Joan Stigliani

"Concentration", Dalloway

"Community Networks", Andrew Michael Cohill/Andrea Lee Kavanaugh

"Confessions of a Used Program Salesman", Tracz

"Code", Charles Petzold

"From Concept to Customer", Jack B. ReVelle/Normand L. Frigon Sr./Harry K. Jackson Jr.

"Confessions of a Public Speaker", Scott Berkun

"Creative Computer Crafts", Marcelle Costanza

"The Creation/Evolution Controversy", James L. Hayward

"Cryptanalysis", Helen Fouche Gaines

"Client/Server Computing for Technical Professionals", Johnson M. Hart/Barry Rosenberg

"The Concise SGML Companion", Bradley

"Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens", Nancy Willard

"Computer Science Logo Style", Brian Harvey

"Civic Space/Cyberspace", Redmond Kathleen Molz/Phyllis Dain

"Cyberspace: First Steps", Benedikt

"A Day with Biff", Ron/Joe

"Dictionary of Information Security", Robert Slade

"Dictionary of Geography", Malcolm Skinner/David Redfern/Geoff Farmer

"Dec 22", Romano

"The Digital MBA"

"Exploring the Grand Canyon"

"Four Days With Dr. Deming", Latzko/Saunders

"Democracy and Technology", Richard E. Sclove

"The Non-Designer's Design Book", Robin Williams

"Designing with Flash Memory", Brian Dipert/Markus Levy

"David Pogue's Digital Photography: The Missing Manual", David Pogue

"Digital Literacy", Paul Gilster

"Digital Democracy", Cynthia J. Alexander/Leslie A. Pal

"Digital Woes", Wiener

"Digital Property", Lesley Ellen Harris

"Darknet", J. D. Lasica

"Drive and Determination: Developing Your Inner Motivation", Dalloway

"Bringing Design to Software", Terry Winograd

"Does IT Matter", Nicholas G. Carr

"Developing SGML DTDs", Maler/El Andaloussi

"Devices of the Soul", Steve Talbott

"Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 1.0", Society of American Archivists

"Electronic Commerce: A Manager's Guide", Ravi Kalakota/Andrew B. Whinston

"Effective Business and Technical Presentations", Morrisey/Sechrest

"Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats", Murray/vanRyper

"Einstein: A Life", Brian

"The End of Ignorance", John Mighton

"Electronic Publishing on CD-ROM", Cunningham/Rosebush

"ISO and ANSI Ergonomic Standards for Computer Products", Smith

"Essential Client/Server Survival Guide"

"E-topia", William J. Mitchell

"From Black Land to Fifth Sun", Brian Fagan

"Flatland", Abbott

"Five Golden Rules", Casti

"Free as in Freedom", Sam Williams

"Galileo, Courtier", Mario Biagioli

"GIS Standards and Standardization: A Handbook", UNESCAP

"Good Night Old Man", George Campbell

"Google Apps Hacks", Philipp Lenssen

"Google Apps: The Missing Manual", Nancy Conner

"Great Canadian Scientists", Barry Shell

"Great Ideas in Computer Science", Alan W. Biermann

"Great Misadventures", Peggy Saari

"Growing Up Digital", Don Tapscott

"HAL's Legacy", David G. Stork ed.

"Hamlet on the Holodeck", Janet H. Murray

"Howard Aiken: Portrait of a Computer Pioneer", I. Bernard Cohen

"Head First Statistics", Dawn Griffiths

"Hackers and Painters", Paul Graham

"A History of Computing Technology", Michael R. Williams

"High Technology and Low-Income Communities", Donald A. Schon/Bish Sanyal/William J. Mitchell (eds.)

"The Human Equation", Jeffrey Pfeffer

"How We Became Posthuman", N. Katherine Hayles

"How Electronic Things Work", Robert Goodman

"International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses", Len Fulton

"Ig Nobel Prizes", Marc Abrahams

"Inside Norton Navigator", by Murray

"It's Not a Bug, It's a Feature!", Lubar

"Information Ecologies", Bonnie A. Nardi/Vicki L. O'Day

"Internet and Computer Ethics for Kids", Winn Schwartau

"Internet File Formats", Tim Kientzle

"The Internet Joke Book", Templeton

"Introducing Computers", Robert Blissmer

"The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design", Laurel

"The Invisible Computer", Donald A. Norman

"The Invisible Future", Peter J. Denning

"Investing in Information Technology"

"iPod and iTunes", J. D. Biersdorfer

"iPod: The Missing Manual", J. D. Biersdorfer

"Islands in the Clickstream", Richard Thieme

"Information Superhighways: Multimedia Users and Futures", Stephen J. Emmott

"Industrial Strength SGML"

"In Search of Stupidity", Merrill R. Chapman

"The IT Career Builder's Toolkit", Matthew Moran

"IT Governance", Peter Weill/Jeanne W. Ross

"International CallBack Book", Retske

"Just a Geek", Wil Wheaton

"Keys to Infinity", Pickover

"Knowing Machines", MacKenzie

"Leadership and the Customer Revolution", Gary Heil/Tom Parker/Rick Tate

"The Software Developer's and Marketer's Legal Companion", Landy

"Linux Multimedia Guide", Jeff Tranter

"Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust that Society Needs to Thrive", Bruce Schneier

"Lasers, Ray Guns, & Light Cannons", Gordon McComb

"LAN Times Guide to Telephony", David D. Bezar

"Land the Tech Job You Love", Andy Lester

"Love Your Job", Powers/Russell

"Makers", Bob Parks

"Making it Happen", Mackenzie Kyle

"Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering", Kan

"Manual Medicine--A Primer", Stephen Myles Davidson

"Mapping Security", Tom Patterson

"Making Things Happen", Scott Berkun

"Miracles for the Entrepreneur", Nattalia Lea

"Mr. Bunny's Guide to ActiveX", Carlton Egremont III

"My Brain is Open", Bruce Schechter

"The Meaning of it All", Richard P. Feynman

"Meaning in Technology", Arnold Pacey

"Magill's Survey of Science Applied Science Series Supplement", Donald R. Franceschetti (ed)

"The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology", Masaharu Takemura/Sakura

"Makin' Numbers", I. Bernard Cohen/Gregory W. Welch

"Making Sense of Java", Simpson et al

"Making TeX Work", Walsh

"Mondo Canuck", Geoff Pevere/Greig Dymond

"Minding the Machines", William M. Evan/Mark Manion

"Moths to the Flame", Rawlins

"Multimedia & CD-ROMs for Dummies", Rathbone

"Managing the Test People", Judy McKay

"Measuring ITIL", Randy A. Steinberg

"Mastering Technical Writing", Mancuso

"The Microsoft Way", Stross

"MP3: The Definitive Guide", Scot Hacker

"The Myth of Homeland Security", Marcus J. Ranum

"The Mythical Man-Month", Frederick P. Brooks Jr.

"The Myths of Innovation", Scott Berkun

"Nanotechnology", Crandall, ed.

"Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer", Michael White

"The New Hacker's Dictionary", Raymond

"Neural Networks and Fuzzy-Logic Control on Personal Computers and Workstations", Korn

"The Network Nation", Hiltz/Turoff

"NetSlaves: True Tales of Working the Web", Bill Lessard/Steve Baldwin

"The (New) Turing Omnibus", Dewdney

"Object Databases: The Essentials", Loomis

"Object Solutions: Managing the Object-Oriented Project", Grady Booch

"Microsoft Office Projects for Windows", Belisle et al

"Open Sources", Chris DiBona/Sam Ockman/Mark Stone

"Operating Systems: Design and Implementation", Tanenbaum/Woodhull

"Outsourcing Information Security", C. Warren Axelrod

"Oxford Family Encyclopedia", George Philip Limited

"ORACLE Performance Tuning", Peter Corrigan/Mark Gurry

"The Physics of NASCAR", Diandra Leslie-Pelecky

"Photoshop in a Nutshell", Donnie O'Quinn/Matt LeClair

"A Guide to the Pick System", Dale Dougherty

"Pattern Languages of Program Design", Coplien/Schmidt

"Pattern Languages of Program Design 2", Vlissides/Coplien/Kerth

"Play Money", Julian Dibbell

"Portraits of Discovery", George Greenstein

"The Predictors", Thomas A. Bass

"The Principles of Project Management", Meri Williams

"Pragmatic Thinking and Learning", Andy Hunt

"Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendent Mind", Hans Moravec

"Readings in Electronic Commerce", Ravi Kalakota/Andrew B. Whinston

"RFID Essentials", Bill Glover/Himanshu Bhatt

"Roadkill on the Information Highway", J. William Pfeiffer

"README.1ST: SGML for Writers and Editors", Turner/Douglass/Turner

"Revenge of the Computer Widow", Nattalia Lea

"The Runaway Brain", Wills

"The Rise and Resurrection of the American Programmer", Edward Yourdon

"Repetitive Strain Injury", Pascarelli

"Safeware: Systems Safety and Computers", Nancy Leveson

"Subject to Change", Peter Merholz et al

"Scholarly Publsing: The Electronic Frontier"

"Shutting Down the National Dream", Greig Stewart

"Strategic Database Technology", Alan R. Simon

"Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World", Bruce Schneier

"Seeing the Unseen", Roger Bruce

"Sex as a Heap of Malfunctioning Rubble", Abrahams ed.

"SharePoint for Project Management", Dux Raymond Sy

"Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computing", Michel Le Bellac

"slide:ology", Nancy Duarte

"Slaves of the Machine", Gregory J. E. Rawlins

"The Social Life of Information", John Seely Brown/Paul Duguid

"Shockwave Studio", Bob Schmitt

"Spymaster", Colitt

"Survival in the Software Jungle", Norris

"Steve Jobs", Walter Isaacson

"The Supervisor and On-the-Job Training", Martin Broadwell

"The Software Business in Canada", Takach

"The Technical Career Navigator", Weiss

"Technology in Action", Phillis Engelbert

"The Technology Coordinator", Moursund

"The Technology Gauntlet", Kilduff/Blewett

"Technimanagement", David Brown

"Technical Editing", Tarutz

"TeX by Example", Borde

"Time Management for System Administrators", Thomas A. Limoncelli

"The Transparent Society", David Brin

"The Trouble with Computers", Thomas K. Landauer

"Towards the Edge of the Universe", Stuart Clark

"Understanding GPS Principles and Applications", Elliott D. Kaplan

"Understanding Telephone Electronics", Bigelow

"The Unicode Standard", Unicode

"The Underground Guide to Laser Printers", Jeffries et al

"Unweaving the Rainbow", Richard Dawkins

"Using NetWare 4.1", Bill Lawrence et al.

"User Friendly", J. D. Frazer

"User Friendly Version 1.0", J. D. Frazer

"Using TACT with Electronic Texts", Ian Lancashire

"The Virtual Reality Construction Kit", Gradecki "Virtual Reality: Practical Applications in Business and Industry"

%e "Virtual Reality", Wexelblat ed.

"Virual Reality", Rheingold

"Virtual Reality and the Exploration of Cyberspace", Hamit

"Visualizing Data", Ben Fry

"Visualization: The Master Skill in Mental Training", Dalloway

"The Visible Ops Handbook", Kevin Behr/Gene Kim/George Spafford

"What Computers Still Can't Do", Dreyfus

"We the Media", Dan Gillmor

"Who Gives a Gigabyte", Gary Stix/Miriam Lacob

"When Things Start to Think", Neil Gershenfeld

"Why Computers Are Computers", David Rutland

"Windows Hothouse", Mark Clarkson

"Windows Sockets Network Programming", Bob Quinn/Dave Shute

"World War 3: Information Warfare Basics", Fred Cohen

"Your Brain: The Missing Manual", Matthew MacDonald

"Your Body: The Missing Manual", Matthew MacDonald

"Winn L. Rosch's Printer Bible"

"Great Adventures: Castle", Davidson & Associates

"The 1997 Canadian Encyclopedia Plus"

"The 1998 Canadian and World Encyclopedia", McClelland & Stewart

"Just Grandma and Me", Living Books

"CNN Headline News by Email", headlinenewsmail@CNN.COM

"News of the Weird", Chuck Shepherd

"This is True", Randy Cassingham

CorelCentral/Netscape Communicator 4.01 integrated email/news/browser

"The American Archivist", The Society of American Archivists

"The Electronic Library", Learned Information

"Information World Review", Learned Information

"Journal of Information Science", A. Gilchrist ed.

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